Our 29th episode was dedicated to the Joy Superpower Nutrition, which I was pleased to dive into with our guest Cheeks (Chetna Ahlawat), who brought valuable, fun and personal insights, as well as scientific studies to the table. As a professional...
In June we had four wonderful guests on the Art and Science of Joy podcast. Below we’ve made a summary of the key points from each episode. We hope you enjoy these joyful insights! Our guest Vivian Acquah, a dedicated advocate for inclusive...
The 28th episode was dedicated to the Joy Recipe Ingredient Emotional Wellbeing. I was pleased to discuss with our guest Rachel Druckenmiller and have her perspective about the Joy Superpower of Resilience. As the CEO of UNMUTED, a training and...
In this episode, we spoke with Paula Rosecky and explored the theme of inclusion; the feeling of belonging, its importance and application. Paula Rosecky is a longtime market researcher, a mindset coach and facilitator of leadership and DEI...
This episode was about the Joy Recipe Ingredient Belonging at Work. We were very happy to discuss with our guest Vivian Acquah and have her insights about the Joy Superpower of Nurturing Peer Relationships. Vivian is a dedicated advocate for...
In this episode, we spoke with Kai Fuentes and explored the theme of self-love; the spiritual, physical, and the business and aspiration side of it all. Kai Fuentes is the President of Ebony Marketing Systems, a multicultural market research...
In May we had four wonderful guests on the Art and Science of Joy podcast. Below we’ve made a summary of the key points from each episode. We hope you enjoy these joyful insights! Mental health counselor, or as she prefers it, “life coach,” Dr...
In the fifth episode of the special episode series, we are looking into the area of belonging, work and relationships through the power of Compassionate business with Toni McLelland Msc. Toni assists C Suite Leaders and Boards to navigate the world...
In this episode, we spoke with Zahra Syeda and explored the theme of mental well-being, more specifically how perseverance and self-confidence play a role in living a joyful life. Zahra is CEO of 4D Health Services in Canada and as a mental health...
In the fourth episode of the special episode series, we are looking into the area of mental well-being through the power of Adaptability with Rachel Cole. Rachel is an award-winning musician, business owner, and founder of a non-profit...