Episode recap: Self-direction with Andy Storch

In this week’s episode, we had the pleasure to chat with Andy Storch about the Joy Superpower of self-direction. Andy is an author, speaker, consultant, coach, and facilitator, as well as host of two podcasts, the Talent Development Hot Seat and Own Your Career. He’s the author of the book Own Your Career, Own Your Life: Stop Drifting and Take Control of Your Future and the founder and host of the Talent Development Think Tank Community. Here are the key points Andy shared with us.

Be Intentional

Andy´s catalyst for realizing the importance of self-direction in his own life was Hal Elrod’s book The Miracle Morning because it helped him become more intentional with his day. Being intentional, he said, means being aware of how we’re spending our time and writing down goals in every area of our lives. Not just work or business goals, but also relationships, health, spirituality, and family. We should be asking ourselves these questions: “What am I happy with? What am I not happy with? What do I want to improve?” Being intentional and self-directed means making a plan and taking action. For example, every week dedicating a certain number of hours to studying so you can accomplish a goal.

“If there are things you want to accomplish, it’s up to you to take control of that.”

Take Control Where You Can

Andy pointed out that there are very few things in life that are actually in our control. We can’t control politics, the world economy, our boss, our kids, our spouse, or other people around us. However, we can control how we show up in the world, how we react, and how we interact with other people. He advises us to spend more energy focusing on the things we can control.

“It requires an ownership mindset, which means you avoid being a victim. Life doesn’t happen to you. Life happens for you.”

Be Your Own Advocate in the Workplace

We discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people who suddenly found themselves working from home. Andy pointed out the downside of autonomy. People have more autonomy and flexibility than before, but many are facing burnout and mental health challenges due to the lack of traditional work boundaries. If everyone else around you is working more often, you’re getting more requests and more things are coming your way. As a result, many people are defaulting to reaction mode rather than being intentional.

Here’s the good news: “It’s an employee’s market,” Andy pointed out. “You can lay out your demands and figure out what you want to do. Many people are leaving their jobs, moving around, and have power and flexibility.”

“There has never been a better opportunity to get self-directed and be intentional with your career to really figure out what you want to do, and then go find a way to do that.”

Surround Yourself With Supportive People

Andy emphasized the importance of choosing your inner circle wisely. “Be intentional about the people you surround yourself with”. Ask yourself the following questions: Are the friends in your circle self-directed? Are they taking action regularly towards living the life they want? How are they spending their time? Are they creating joy in their lives and also being kind and generous and creating joy for others? Or are they negative and cynical? We have the power to choose who we spend our time with much of the time.

“I only surround myself with really happy, ambitious, supportive people and my life is so much better as a result.”

Andy’s Top Tips

We asked Andy for his favorite tips, and here’s what he gave us:

  • Mindset is key. Choose to believe that everything in life is happening for you, that everything is an opportunity, that life is a blessing and a gift, and focus most of your energy on things you can control.

  • Be curious. Curiosity is one of the most underrated skills for leaders for any type of success. Lead with curiosity whether it’s at work or in relationships.

  • Be collaborative rather than competitive. Rooting for others and supporting them is not only beneficial for others, it helps us as well.

  • Set very specific goals. Consider SMART goals: specific, measurable, actionable, relative, and timebound. Think about what you want to achieve, write it down, get specific about it, and consider how you’re going to measure your progress. And find an accountability partner who can hold you accountable, push you, and support you throughout the process.

Books to Inspire

In addition to Andy’s own book, he gave us a list of books that were instrumental in helping him shift his mindset and cultivate more intention and joy. We encourage you to check them out!

written by Kelly Knowles

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Further reading


A transformative journey about seizing the moment and celebrating life’s precious experiences   60by60 I turned 59 today and I’m beyond...

Help non-profit organizations with their fundraising


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Is that organization interested in raising more funds?


The EQJOY card game is a fantastic product for a fundraising campaign.



Help us find EQJOY Brand Ambassadors


Do you know someone famous? Do you know someone who does? Do you think that famous person would like to positively impact children’s mental health by giving them the gift of emotional intelligence and have their personal brand associated with EQJOY?




Do you work for a sports team or know someone who does? Do you think that team could be interested in having that brand associated with EQJOY and with empowering children to develop their EQ?




Do you work for a company which owns a well-known brand or know someone who does? Do you think the company could be interested in having that brand associated with EQJOY and with empowering children to develop their EQ?


If so, click on the button below, tell us who you know and let’s discuss how to make this happen.



Help us empower even more kids develop their EQ

Are you, or do you know well, any of the following:



  • A parent of a 6 to 9 year old struggling with their emotions

  • A primary school teacher

  • A middle school teacher

  • A sports psychologist

  • A decision-maker at a museum


If so, are you, or do you think they would be, interested in participating in our R&D work and thereby help us bring the gift of emotional intelligence to even more children?


If so, click on the button below to find out more about how to get involved with EQJOY’s R&D projects.



Empower children’s EQ development


I ask you to donate to our charity EQJOY Co.


EQJOY is on a mission to empower children to develop their emotional intelligence through play. Find out more about EQJOY


Your donations will be used to:


  • Give children in need packs of the EQJOY card game for free

  • Fund research and development of new EQ development tools


There are two paths to donations. For larger donations, click on the Champion Donor button below to find out more about the options. For smaller donations, click on the Donate Now button.


Help us spread joy to even more people

Through the Year of Joy community, we have a proven track record of empowering people to harvest more joy in their lives, especially those people struggling to find joy.


I ask you to help us give the gift of joy to people by inviting them to join the Year of Joy community to which we are currently offering free membership.


Share the link below with the people you know who could do with more joy in their lives.





It just might be the biggest gift you give them this year!

If you would like to invite a lot of people, you might be interested in being an official Year of Joy invite partner. Click on the button below to find out more.



Participate in an Insights Business Impact workshop for free


This gift is a special gift to my peers in the market research and insights sector. A sector which has given me so many gifts over the years. 


If you work in the sector, or are interested in doing so, I’m offering you the opportunity to participate in one of six free workshops I’ll be running on the topic of the ROI of Insights.


During this 3-hour workshop you’ll discover how to measure and demonstrate the business impact of Insights. 


You will leave the workshop with a clear understanding of how to measure the value Insights is contributing to the business, as well as how to craft a compelling story to demonstrate that value.


Participate in a Discover Your Recipe for Joy workshop for free


I’m offering you the opportunity to participate in one of six free workshops I’ll be running. 


During this 3-hour workshop you’ll discover the drivers of and the barriers to joy. You’ll be guided on a journey to craft your own Recipe for Joy and will leave the workshop with a plan for taking the next steps on your path to harvesting more joy in your life.


Receive a free Joy Superpower webinar for your organization


I’m giving away 24 Joy Superpower webinars for free.  


During the webinar I will share how through the Year of Joy initiative we were able to significantly boost people’s joy levels and I will lead the webinar attendees on a journey to discover how they can build their own joy muscles as well as bring more joy to the lives of others.