Glass half full? – Exploring the Joy Superpower of Optimism

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill

Young people all over the world, especially in low and middle-income countries, are more optimistic about the future of the world than older generations, says a survey by Ipsos (2018). What makes our youth so optimistic – and are they onto something? Is our world in desperate need of more optimism, and does our mindset even matter in the end?

You may not be able to end poverty or achieve world peace with optimism, but it will certainly help you live a more healthy and joyful life. Keep reading to find out how!

Why you should be an optimist

The relationship between optimism and wellbeing has been studied loads, and the results leave no room for second-guessing – optimism has been shown to have tremendous benefits when it comes mental and physical health. Here are just some of the findings on the effects of optimism and our wellbeing:

Optimists have a lower risk of getting suffering from depression and anxiety disorders (Conversano at al. 2010). Optimism is also associated with the capability to deal better with difficult experiences and life’s inevitable hardships. In addition to this, optimism has been linked with lower stress levels (Soliah 2011). Compared to pessimistic people, optimists live longer, heal more quickly, and experience higher levels of overall health. Higher optimism is associated with lower risk of stroke in older adults (Kim et al. 2011), as well as healthy aging and healthy behaviors such as not smoking, partaking in physical activities and moderate alcohol consumption (Steptoe et al. 2006). Optimism has also been linked with various health-promoting behaviors, like good nutrition, spiritual growth, interpersonal relationships and managing stress (Soliah 2011).

If you haven’t already, you should try adopting a more optimistic mindset – it will definitely pay off, maybe even provide you with some additional years on this earth!

Here are some book recommendations to get you started:
Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain by Elaine Fox
Enlightenment Now by Steven Plinker (Bill Gates’s new favorite book of all time)
Learned Optimism – How to Change Your Mind and Your Life by Martin Seligman (pioneer of positive psychology)

Don’t go to extremes

Despite all the benefits, research tells us that you might not want to go overboard with your optimism. Tali Sharot (2011) talks about the optimism bias, a bias well documented in psychology and behavioral economics. Essentially, it means that we have a tendency of overestimating the likelihood of positive events happening to us, and underestimating the likelihood of encountering negative events. For example, we underestimate our chances of getting divorced or getting sick with cancer at some point in our lives. We also expect to live longer than we should expect, based on objective measures such as our lifestyle.

“– studies consistently report that a large majority of the population (about 80% according to most estimates) display an optimism bias.”

The issue with optimism bias, or unrealistic optimism, is that it can lead to ill-advised behavior. Being too optimistic about the likelihood of negative events happening in the future can cause people to partake in harmful habits such as overspending, smoking, or unhealthy eating. It’s easier to take part in such activities when you have a mindset of “Oh, it’ll never happen to me.” In fact, it has been reported that extreme optimists are more likely to smoke and less likely to save money than mild optimists. It seems that most things are fine in moderation – even optimism.

Is your glass half full or half empty?

Would you consider yourself an optimist? Do you find extreme optimists annoying or uplifting to spend time with? Share your thoughts below in the comments, or on social media using the hashtag #joysuperpowers – we’re interested in hearing what you think about the topic, and would love to discuss! Also, don’t miss out on next Wednesday’s podcast episode on optimism featuring “That Optimism Man” Victor Perton, Nóirín Mosley and Jenny Boymal! You can find our podcast here, or on your preferred podcast platform – just search for The Art and Science of Joy.

Join the discussion

Further reading


A transformative journey about seizing the moment and celebrating life’s precious experiences   60by60 I turned 59 today and I’m beyond...

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Is that organization interested in raising more funds?


The EQJOY card game is a fantastic product for a fundraising campaign.



Help us find EQJOY Brand Ambassadors


Do you know someone famous? Do you know someone who does? Do you think that famous person would like to positively impact children’s mental health by giving them the gift of emotional intelligence and have their personal brand associated with EQJOY?




Do you work for a sports team or know someone who does? Do you think that team could be interested in having that brand associated with EQJOY and with empowering children to develop their EQ?




Do you work for a company which owns a well-known brand or know someone who does? Do you think the company could be interested in having that brand associated with EQJOY and with empowering children to develop their EQ?


If so, click on the button below, tell us who you know and let’s discuss how to make this happen.



Help us empower even more kids develop their EQ

Are you, or do you know well, any of the following:



  • A parent of a 6 to 9 year old struggling with their emotions

  • A primary school teacher

  • A middle school teacher

  • A sports psychologist

  • A decision-maker at a museum


If so, are you, or do you think they would be, interested in participating in our R&D work and thereby help us bring the gift of emotional intelligence to even more children?


If so, click on the button below to find out more about how to get involved with EQJOY’s R&D projects.



Empower children’s EQ development


I ask you to donate to our charity EQJOY Co.


EQJOY is on a mission to empower children to develop their emotional intelligence through play. Find out more about EQJOY


Your donations will be used to:


  • Give children in need packs of the EQJOY card game for free

  • Fund research and development of new EQ development tools


There are two paths to donations. For larger donations, click on the Champion Donor button below to find out more about the options. For smaller donations, click on the Donate Now button.


Help us spread joy to even more people

Through the Year of Joy community, we have a proven track record of empowering people to harvest more joy in their lives, especially those people struggling to find joy.


I ask you to help us give the gift of joy to people by inviting them to join the Year of Joy community to which we are currently offering free membership.


Share the link below with the people you know who could do with more joy in their lives.





It just might be the biggest gift you give them this year!

If you would like to invite a lot of people, you might be interested in being an official Year of Joy invite partner. Click on the button below to find out more.



Participate in an Insights Business Impact workshop for free


This gift is a special gift to my peers in the market research and insights sector. A sector which has given me so many gifts over the years. 


If you work in the sector, or are interested in doing so, I’m offering you the opportunity to participate in one of six free workshops I’ll be running on the topic of the ROI of Insights.


During this 3-hour workshop you’ll discover how to measure and demonstrate the business impact of Insights. 


You will leave the workshop with a clear understanding of how to measure the value Insights is contributing to the business, as well as how to craft a compelling story to demonstrate that value.


Participate in a Discover Your Recipe for Joy workshop for free


I’m offering you the opportunity to participate in one of six free workshops I’ll be running. 


During this 3-hour workshop you’ll discover the drivers of and the barriers to joy. You’ll be guided on a journey to craft your own Recipe for Joy and will leave the workshop with a plan for taking the next steps on your path to harvesting more joy in your life.


Receive a free Joy Superpower webinar for your organization


I’m giving away 24 Joy Superpower webinars for free.  


During the webinar I will share how through the Year of Joy initiative we were able to significantly boost people’s joy levels and I will lead the webinar attendees on a journey to discover how they can build their own joy muscles as well as bring more joy to the lives of others.