In a remarkable gathering of spiritual minds, the recent livestream hosted by The Art and Science of Joy brought together four incredible experts – Mariah Edgington, Robert Mack, Rochel Marie Lawson, and Kelli Swanson Jaecks. Each shared profound...
By Andrew Cannon and Debby Schlesinger-Hellman, Creators of the Year of Joy
As a Transformation Guide, I often encounter people who struggle to bounce back after facing negative experiences. Our ability to cope with these situations and learn from them is crucial for personal growth and feeling joyful. Powerful strategies...
Personal Stories – are easiest to find when we search for them by: PEOPLE, PLACE, EVENT, OR ANIMALS & OBJECTS. Explore these questions by; 1. Sitting quietly and visually replaying the story in your mind, like seeing a movie. Notice...
The Art and Science of Joy is proud to announce that the Year of Joy online community will officially open its doors on January 17, 2023. The community offers people the opportunity to join like-minded people in an uplifting community and throughout...
Our 29th episode was dedicated to the Joy Superpower Nutrition, which I was pleased to dive into with our guest Cheeks (Chetna Ahlawat), who brought valuable, fun and personal insights, as well as scientific studies to the table. As a professional...
This episode was about the Joy Recipe Ingredient Belonging at Work. We were very happy to discuss with our guest Vivian Acquah and have her insights about the Joy Superpower of Nurturing Peer Relationships. Vivian is a dedicated advocate for...
In this episode, we spoke with Kai Fuentes and explored the theme of self-love; the spiritual, physical, and the business and aspiration side of it all. Kai Fuentes is the President of Ebony Marketing Systems, a multicultural market research...
In May we had four wonderful guests on the Art and Science of Joy podcast. Below we’ve made a summary of the key points from each episode. We hope you enjoy these joyful insights! Mental health counselor, or as she prefers it, “life coach,” Dr...