In a remarkable gathering of spiritual minds, the recent livestream hosted by The Art and Science of Joy brought together four incredible experts – Mariah Edgington, Robert Mack, Rochel Marie Lawson, and Kelli Swanson Jaecks. Each shared profound...
By Andrew Cannon and Debby Schlesinger-Hellman, Creators of the Year of Joy
As a Transformation Guide, I often encounter people who struggle to bounce back after facing negative experiences. Our ability to cope with these situations and learn from them is crucial for personal growth and feeling joyful. Powerful strategies...
For the 8th Joy Superpowers episode, we were joined by three lovely guests – Victor Perton, Nóirín Mosley and Jenny Boymal to discuss the superpower of optimism. Victor is the Chief Optimism Officer of The Centre of Optimism, thus his work centers...
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill Young people all over the world, especially in low and middle-income countries, are more optimistic...