In the 24th Joy Superpowers episode, we are looking into the Joy Superpower of Fitness and Wellness, with a deeper dive into the topic of going to the gym, with Ian Worthington. Ian is a fitness expert, coach and the owner GymWolfPT, where they help over-worked, overweight and over-stressed people ‘enhance their lives’ by feeling fit, healthy, energised and ‘loving ‘life’ on a daily basis, without the standard ‘one fits all’ approach of unfeasible gym workouts and starvation style eating and drinking”.
To find out more about Ian and his work, visit his website or search for GymWolfPT on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook.
During this episode, we are discussing topics such as:
- Ian’s fitness journey
- Fitness, joy and mental health
- Getting over gym anxiety as a beginner
- How to stick to your fitness routine
About the podcast:
The Art and Science of Joy Podcast is all about inspiring people to live more joyfully, so if you’re seeking a bit more joy in your own life or seeking to bring some more joy to the lives of others then this podcast could well be for you! In our second podcast series, Joy Superpowers, we’ll be going through one superpower per week that you can use to live a more joy-filled life.
In each episode, I’ll be inviting an expert on a particular Joy Superpower to share their words of wisdom, as we take a look at the science behind the superpower, and explore how you can apply the superpower in your own life.
Connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram at @theartandscienceofjoy as we continue to explore the Joy Superpowers and continue to join the conversation. We’d love to hear your thoughts with the hashtag #joysuperpowers
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